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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving pizza

Pizza from a bar was our Thanksgiving feast this year. I would normally hang my head in shame after saying that statement, what do you do though when you enter a town on a holiday that has nothing else open?

Papa Bear and I drove 13 hours to visit Ben in South Dakota over the long weekend, not knowing we would be in the middle of nowhere at least 7 of those hours. At one point, we had traveled so very long and not come across a town, I thought we were going to have to pull over on the side of the road or I was going to wet myself right there in the truck! Good news for the truck, we came to a gas station that was open. Before you laugh at me, if you have ever been at that critical point, you know the relief I felt and I didn't even care it wasn't exactly the cleanest restroom I had ever been in.

Upon arrival in Ben's town, we quickly realized the hotel and the bar were about all that was open. Since the hotel didn't serve any food, that left us with bar pizza. Oh well, we got the pizza, went to Ben's house and enjoyed time together.

It did this Mama's heart good to see her son. I'm still not completely sold on the idea of him being 13 hours away, but I'm not completely horrified by it anymore either. Our visit and time together was much too short, and Mama had tears when it was time for good-byes. Thank goodness for phones and texting. (Should I mention that I texted him just minutes after our leaving to let him know I missed him already??)

Why is it the offspring enjoy the cutting of the apron strings much more then the parents do?


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