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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Weeds Be Gone

Have you ever taken a look at something and think to yourself, "What have I done"??  I guess really, it happens to be what haven't I done.  I haven't been giving hardly any attention to my yard this summer.  Papa Bear sees to it being mowed, other than that, it has been sorely neglected.  The garden, back flower bed, side flower bed and strawberry patch have all been taken over by the weeds.  In the quiet of the night, when the windows are open, I sometimes think I hear a faint whimper. 

Today, I began to tackle the weed problem.  Have you ever tried to weed an overgrown strawberry patch and NOT pull up the plants?  Whew, glad that is over.  Strawberries look great and now I can actually see how much room I have for more plants in the spring.  MmMmMmmmm  I can almost taste those sweet juicy bits of goodness already. 

I'm kind of excited about my back flower bed.  It is mainly hostas with a little something thrown in here and there.  My mind is already planning what to do with the spare area in the spring.  (It is possible a groan may have just come from Papa Bear).  I do enjoy my hostas, but am thinking a little pop of color here and there might just be what it needs.    

My garden, well, that's a different story.  I knew I was going to be gone three weeks this summer, so only an eating garden was planted, not a canning one.  I'm done eating.  I started to pull the weeds and have decided when these last peppers are finished, I'm just going to pull the whole thing up and till it under.  It can have a nice rest until spring.  Watch out next year though, I plan to double it's size and grow enough food to feed a small army! 

The bottom of my garden shed is rather unattractive.  I've been wanting to plant something on the side to try and hide it.  Mums are on sale right now so I'm thinking that is the route I am going to take.  Mums are a nice green plant all summer and then bloom into gorgeousness in the fall...they are also very low maintenance, which is my kind of plant.  But...this will mean bugging on Papa Bear once again to help dig another flower bed.  This man of mine is a saint I tell ya. 

All in all, the yard is starting to look better.  I'm definitely looking forward to spring and the changes that will be made. 

Mama Bear

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